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Price for bulk SMS in Canada

AlphaSMS sends SMS all over the world, to more than 1100 operators and 200 countries.

The use of SMS messaging for promotional purposes and as a way to inform about transactions has proven to be an effective tool for attracting and retaining customers.

Bulk SMS prices for all mobile operators in Canada

We support SMS messaging to all mobile operators in Canada. If you could not find the price of SMS to a specific mobile operator in Canada, please contact our support team to find out about the possibility of sending SMS to this operator.

Before you start sending SMS, you can test them in our service.

Price per HLR request. To find out the sms price contact us in chat.

Check out the prices for sending SMS to Canada:

MCCMNC Operator Price
302 NorthernTel Limited Partnership (Mobility) 0.0065USD
30204 NorthernTel Limited Partnership 0.0185USD
30205 Northwestel Mobility Inc 0.0185USD
30209 Telebec Limited Partnership 0.0185USD
30222 Telus Mobility 0.0185USD
30223 Fibernetics Corporation 0.0185USD
30227 Bragg Communications 0.0185USD
30232 MOBILICITY 0.0093USD
30234 Execulink 0.0093USD
30237 Fido Solutions Inc. 0.0185USD
30249 Globalive Wireless Management Corp. 0.0185USD
30250 Videotron 0.0185USD
30251 Videotron (Quebecor Media) 0.0185USD
30256 Lynx Mobility 0.0185USD
30261 Bell Mobility (BCE) 0.0185USD
30262 ICE WIRELESS 0.0093USD
30263 Aliant Telecom (Mobility) 0.0185USD
30265 Bell Mobility 0.0093USD
30268 Sasktel 0.0185USD
30270 Aliant Telecom (Mobility) 0.0167USD
30271 Globalstar 0.0185USD
30272 Rogers Communications Canada Inc. 0.0185USD
30276 Rogers AT&T Wireless 0.0093USD
30278 Sasktel 0.0185USD
30286 TELUS Mobility 0.0167USD
30288 Telus Mobility 0.0185USD
30294 Whiteman Telecom 0.0093USD
302000 Canada - Landline and Other Carriers 0.0178USD
302024 Thunder Bay Mobility 0.0167USD
302130 Xplornet Mobile 0.0105USD
302198 ISP Telecom 0.0185USD
302220 Telus mobility 0.0065USD
302221 Airtel Wireless Ltd 0.0167USD
302222 Telus 0.0178USD
302230 ISP Telecom 0.0185USD
302270 EastLink (Bragg Communications Inc.) 0.0065USD
302290 Airtel Wireless 0.0185USD
302302 Default 0.0185USD
302320 Mobilicity (DAVE Wireless) 0.0065USD
302340 Execulink Telecom 0.0065USD
302350 First Networks Operations Inc. 0.0167USD
302360 MiKe-CAN 0.0178USD
302361 TELUS Mobility 0.0167USD
302370 Fido Solutions Inc. 0.0065USD
302380 Thunder Bay Mobility 0.0065USD
302480 SSi Micro 0.0105USD
302490 Freedom mobile 0.0065USD
302491 Freedom (Wind) 0.0185USD
302500 Videotron 0.0065USD
302510 Videotron 0.0178USD
302520 Videotron (Quebecor) 0.0185USD
302560 Lynx 0.0065USD
302590 Quadro Communications 0.0065USD
302600 Iristel 0.0185USD
302610 Bell mobility 0.0065USD
302611 Bell Mobility 0.0167USD
302620 Ice Wireless (Iristel) 0.0065USD
302630 Aliant Mobility-CAN 0.0178USD
302640 Bell Mobility 0.0167USD
302650 TBay 0.0178USD
302651 Bell Mobility 0.0178USD
302652 Telus 0.0178USD
302653 Telus 0.0178USD
302654 SaskTel Mobility 0.0178USD
302655 MTS Allstream 0.0167USD
302656 Thunder Bay Mobility 0.0167USD
302657 TELUS Quebec 0.0167USD
302660 MTS Allstream 0.0105USD
302670 CityWest Mobility-CAN 0.0178USD
302680 Sasktel mobility 0.0065USD
302681 SaskTel 0.0185USD
302690 Bell 0.0178USD
302702 Aliant Telecom (Mobility) 0.0185USD
302710 Globalstar 0.0105USD
302720 Rogers 0.0065USD
302721 Rogers Wireless 0.0185USD
302740 Shaw Telecom 0.0178USD
302750 SaskTel 0.0178USD
302760 Public Mobile-CAN 0.0065USD
302779 Canada - Proper 0.0065USD
302780 SaskTel Mobility 0.0065USD
302781 SaskTel 0.0185USD
302820 Rogers Wireless 0.0185USD
302860 Telus 0.0178USD
302880 Bell 0.0178USD
302920 Rogers Wireless 0.0185USD
302940 Wightman Telecom 0.0065USD
302994 Fixed line CA 0.0185USD
302999 All other networks 0.0178USD


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Mobile usage in Canada per 100 inhabitants as of 2020

As of 2020, more than 38037204 people live in Canada.

The growth dynamics of mobile usage in Canada indicates ample opportunity for SMS marketing. The audience is constantly growing and bulk SMS messaging works effectively to retain and attract new customers.

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