AlphaSMS sends SMS all over the world, to more than 1100 operators and 200 countries.
The use of SMS messaging for promotional purposes and as a way to inform about transactions has proven to be an effective tool for attracting and retaining customers.
We support SMS messaging to all mobile operators in Canada. If you could not find the price of SMS to a specific mobile operator in Canada, please contact our support team to find out about the possibility of sending SMS to this operator.
Before you start sending SMS, you can test them in our service.
Price per HLR request. To find out the sms price contact us in chat.
MCCMNC | Operator | Price |
302 | NorthernTel Limited Partnership (Mobility) | 0.0065USD |
30204 | NorthernTel Limited Partnership | 0.0185USD |
30205 | Northwestel Mobility Inc | 0.0185USD |
30209 | Telebec Limited Partnership | 0.0185USD |
30222 | Telus Mobility | 0.0185USD |
30223 | Fibernetics Corporation | 0.0185USD |
30227 | Bragg Communications | 0.0185USD |
30232 | MOBILICITY | 0.0093USD |
30234 | Execulink | 0.0093USD |
30237 | Fido Solutions Inc. | 0.0185USD |
30238 | DRYDEN MOBILITY | 0.0093USD |
30249 | Globalive Wireless Management Corp. | 0.0185USD |
30250 | Videotron | 0.0185USD |
30251 | Videotron (Quebecor Media) | 0.0185USD |
30256 | Lynx Mobility | 0.0185USD |
30261 | Bell Mobility (BCE) | 0.0185USD |
30262 | ICE WIRELESS | 0.0093USD |
30263 | Aliant Telecom (Mobility) | 0.0185USD |
30265 | Bell Mobility | 0.0093USD |
30268 | Sasktel | 0.0185USD |
30270 | Aliant Telecom (Mobility) | 0.0167USD |
30271 | Globalstar | 0.0185USD |
30272 | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. | 0.0185USD |
30276 | Rogers AT&T Wireless | 0.0093USD |
30278 | Sasktel | 0.0185USD |
30286 | TELUS Mobility | 0.0167USD |
30288 | Telus Mobility | 0.0185USD |
30294 | Whiteman Telecom | 0.0093USD |
302000 | Canada - Landline and Other Carriers | 0.0178USD |
302024 | Thunder Bay Mobility | 0.0167USD |
302130 | Xplornet Mobile | 0.0105USD |
302198 | ISP Telecom | 0.0185USD |
302220 | Telus mobility | 0.0065USD |
302221 | Airtel Wireless Ltd | 0.0167USD |
302222 | Telus | 0.0178USD |
302230 | ISP Telecom | 0.0185USD |
302270 | EastLink (Bragg Communications Inc.) | 0.0065USD |
302290 | Airtel Wireless | 0.0185USD |
302302 | Default | 0.0185USD |
302320 | Mobilicity (DAVE Wireless) | 0.0065USD |
302340 | Execulink Telecom | 0.0065USD |
302350 | First Networks Operations Inc. | 0.0167USD |
302360 | MiKe-CAN | 0.0178USD |
302361 | TELUS Mobility | 0.0167USD |
302370 | Fido Solutions Inc. | 0.0065USD |
302380 | Thunder Bay Mobility | 0.0065USD |
302480 | SSi Micro | 0.0105USD |
302490 | Freedom mobile | 0.0065USD |
302491 | Freedom (Wind) | 0.0185USD |
302500 | Videotron | 0.0065USD |
302510 | Videotron | 0.0178USD |
302520 | Videotron (Quebecor) | 0.0185USD |
302560 | Lynx | 0.0065USD |
302590 | Quadro Communications | 0.0065USD |
302600 | Iristel | 0.0185USD |
302610 | Bell mobility | 0.0065USD |
302611 | Bell Mobility | 0.0167USD |
302620 | Ice Wireless (Iristel) | 0.0065USD |
302630 | Aliant Mobility-CAN | 0.0178USD |
302640 | Bell Mobility | 0.0167USD |
302650 | TBay | 0.0178USD |
302651 | Bell Mobility | 0.0178USD |
302652 | Telus | 0.0178USD |
302653 | Telus | 0.0178USD |
302654 | SaskTel Mobility | 0.0178USD |
302655 | MTS Allstream | 0.0167USD |
302656 | Thunder Bay Mobility | 0.0167USD |
302657 | TELUS Quebec | 0.0167USD |
302660 | MTS Allstream | 0.0105USD |
302670 | CityWest Mobility-CAN | 0.0178USD |
302680 | Sasktel mobility | 0.0065USD |
302681 | SaskTel | 0.0185USD |
302690 | Bell | 0.0178USD |
302702 | Aliant Telecom (Mobility) | 0.0185USD |
302710 | Globalstar | 0.0105USD |
302720 | Rogers | 0.0065USD |
302721 | Rogers Wireless | 0.0185USD |
302740 | Shaw Telecom | 0.0178USD |
302750 | SaskTel | 0.0178USD |
302760 | Public Mobile-CAN | 0.0065USD |
302779 | Canada - Proper | 0.0065USD |
302780 | SaskTel Mobility | 0.0065USD |
302781 | SaskTel | 0.0185USD |
302820 | Rogers Wireless | 0.0185USD |
302860 | Telus | 0.0178USD |
302880 | Bell | 0.0178USD |
302920 | Rogers Wireless | 0.0185USD |
302940 | Wightman Telecom | 0.0065USD |
302994 | Fixed line CA | 0.0185USD |
302999 | All other networks | 0.0178USD |
Sign up now Send requestAs of 2020, more than 38037204 people live in Canada.
The growth dynamics of mobile usage in Canada indicates ample opportunity for SMS marketing. The audience is constantly growing and bulk SMS messaging works effectively to retain and attract new customers.